Account Based Marketing
Industry News

ABM Case Study Results

DLT, a 2017 ABM Markie Finalist, is a $900M IT solutions provider that develops customized solutions for IT companies in the public sector.

One of DLT’s greatest values to these large companies is their ability to build trust through deep subject matter expertise. DLT’s sales, integration, and support experts possess an in-depth knowledge of the industry, the industry’s standards, requirements, and innovative initiatives. As a result, DLT wanted their marketing efforts to reflect the sort of personalized expertise that was the norm throughout their organization. But when DLT’s potential customers were increasingly ignoring email marketing efforts, DLT faced an important question:

How do we nurture stakeholders without their email?

With ABM, DLT began finding new ways to reach out to their target accounts, and only their target accounts, through account based advertising and web personalization. By nurturing stakeholders in target accounts with directed advertising and web experiences personalized to each accounts’ needs, ABM propelled DLT into success.

Find out how DLT became a Markie Finalist with ABM.

About the Author

Jason Jue


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